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Frequently asked questions
What time should I arrive before my appointment?
We recommend to arrive 15 minutes prior to scheduled appointments for all new patients.
Do we offer same day appointments?
Absolutely! Dr. Mixa is available 5 days a week to accommodate for urgent medical attention. * HMO patients may require a referral.
¿Hablamos español?
¡Sí, hablamos español!
What insurances do we accept?
Please review the list of insurances we accept on our insurance page.
Do we offer prescription refills?
Please allow 48 hours for prescription refills.
Questions regarding surgery?
Please call us at 727-321-9644 and choose option 3.
Need a cortisone shot?
Same day appointments are available.
Don't see the question you were looking for?
Call us at 727-321-9644 and we'll be happy to answer!
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